I'll (We'll) be writing (singing)
When i'm (we're) writing (winning)
I'll (We'll) be writing (singing)
When i'm (we're) writing (winning)
I get knocked down
But I get up again
Because my base is loaded that way...

Oh hey guys, how are you? Good I hope. How's it going? It's been a while but like with most of my friends, I like to say hello at least once a year.
How is everyone? I'm pretty good thank you. My new years resolution was thus-
"Lose weight. And write. More"
So I've joined a gym. And i've bought a pen. To quote one Baraka Obama - "Mission Accomplished. FINISH HIM!"
Sorry. So yeah i'm trying with this health malarky and i'm trying to write more and you know what imaginary audience, it's bloody working. January finished - 30 minute radio pilot draft one finished.
Like a piece of chicken in a tandoori powder and yoghurt base (half blog/ half tasty recipe) i'm leaving it to marinade before I open it back up and cook it in the oven for thirty minutes on 200 celcius. Wait a minute, I may have got confused.
So yeah, one done. And now i've moved onto the next. Which i'm going to write right now. Now. Now.
If you read this, please leave a comment. Go on, let me know you're out there.
Oh hello!
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