Sunday, 11 August 2013

Facebook and the death of creativity

I thought I would finally share some more random thoughts with you all and write a new blog entry. I'm, once again, off to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival on Thursday and I literally can't wait. In fact, I wrote a piece on it last year.

So to save you reading a new entry and to save me writing one, here it is again. Enjoy...

Excited and tired. Tex-cited....

That sounds like i'm in anticipation of a faux-Mexican meal. Anyhoo it's been a...

Ok I won't be super lazy and just repeat the same content from last year to save me some work. Like the writers of bad soap operas do. Saying that I would like to post this picture again...

If you need to understand the context of this, read last years entry. NOW.

Anyway enough randomness. So apart from going to the Edinburgh Fringe on Thursday, and appearing on a local radio show about the arts ( the thing I would like to talk about is Facebook (or lack of it). Last weekend I went to stay with my parents and swore off Facebook and alcohol. And I had lots of ideas which I decided to capture and hopefully get round to writing.

Now does Facebook curb creativity?

Does it distract us so much with what Peter is having for dinner or who John is seeing that that we refuse to find the time to form our own characters and stories?

Or should we simply come off it and then write a blog entry where we use the word "we" to suggest we're all having these thoughts when really it's just the author of this blog addressing himself in the third person?

Who knows. But I am going to check it less. And then if I still end up procrastinating, I have one less excuse. And I might update this, for you fine people, a little more often.

Aww let's be friends, i'll add you on..oh....

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