Tuesday, 11 March 2014

I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve it through not dying - Woody Allen

“Life doesn't imitate art, it imitates bad television” Well said Woody. Well said .

And if my life was a bad television programme, it would probably be series eight of Red Dwarf; full of promise, the occasional spark of genius but ultimately not as funny as everyone thought it would be, mainly because of Kochanski (how was that ever going to work?!) and really bad CGI.

Right, the metaphor may have slipped away from me there. However a man/ legend who has had an immensely interesting life is Mr Allen Stewart Konigsberg (or Heyward Allen, as he called himself later in life. And then Woody).

For the latest writing project, we were tasked with including a real person within one of our scripts, the idea being to try to emulate their particular voice. I chose (partially inspired by a cracking trip to the brilliant Prince Charles Cinema, Leicester Square, to see Annie Hall) to write Woody Allen into one of my scripts and then do as he does, and make the whole thing a little zany, a little postmodern, and hopefully funny.

And then I thought I’d stick myself in it as well. Anyway as always, enjoy!

Heywood Allen’s Voice By Amardeep Singh Sandhu

LAURA LEE – Obnoxious, annoying, self-involved
WOODY ALLEN – Nervous, intimidated, wants to be more confident
AMAR SANDHU – Dry, nonchalant A New York diner.

A New York diner. WOODY and LAURA have just sat down to a cup of coffee together. Laura is jotting things down on pieces of paper throughout their conversation

So you want my...erm...my voice then...

Yeah not literally (snort) No I need to get a sense of how you sound, the Woody Allen everyone knows and...well SOME people...love. (snort) I prefer your earlier stuff really.

And is is for the...erm...biopic

Yep for the biopic. ’Woody. The Movie’. Or maybe ’Allen. The Movie’. Or....wait a minute....YES I’VE GOT IT!

Her hands spell out imaginary words only she sees.

How about ’Woody Allen. The Movie’? Catchy huh. Honestly I surprise myself sometimes.

Well...you know...I I I I’ve never done anything like this before. I don’t...you know...errr know what it is you want from me exactly

So yeah I need to well LISTEN to you. Could you tell me a story from your past? How about when you were ridiculously shy and couldn’t get onto stage so they...

She bursts out laughing

Ha ha ha yeah they had to literally shove you on stage. Tell me that one.

Erm well...yeah...I was shy. Well I still am but I was and now I am so...yeah...erm…

Laura freezes and Woody turns to face the audience

Why do the girls always think I’m shy? Woody Allen; shy and paranoid. Well I I I I’ll tell you what. I’m not and I’m not paranoid....I think. Oh god do I come across as paranoid? Stop looking at me like that... I blame my mudda really. Never gave me the encouragement I needed. Shame, I did have a thing for this chick but she’s too...well erm....annoying

Laura unfreezes and Woody continues

And they were all looking at me and I I I froze and didn’t what to do. Before I knew it...

Yeah I get it, they shoved you on stage. Brilliant! So
I noticed you say ’AWL’ instead of ’all’

Errr do I?

Yeah...AAAWL. AAAWL. Like owl but with an aww

I’m not entirely sure I’m comfortable with this conversation...

Nah its fine! So tell me about your mother...

Well my mudda used to say...

That’s it! Mudda. Not mother. Mudda. You say mudda. I’ll write that down. Mud. Da. Brilliant! Ok ok so I’m getting ahead of myself here, I blame the lemonade (snort) ha ha ha but thinking of who we could get to play you...

Play me?

Yeah yeah. We need someone shy, someone a bit nerdy and really awkward. That’s sort of the Woody Allen everyone expects isn’t it. I’m thinking...Colin Firth! He was really good in...

Laura freezes. Woody turns again to the audience.

WH-at?! Colin Firth? The English fella who played that king. Rrrreally? I know he’s good with a stutter but I I I I don’t really stutter when I talk. I also didn’t realise I came across as awkward. I thought I was.....charming. I’m seen as an auteur, a genius amongst his peers aren’t I? N n n not....awkward! Oh geez, I’m...I’m burning up in here, I just need to erm...

He faces Laura as he takes a sip of water. She unfreezes.

And did you see him in Pride and Prejudice? The things I would let that man do to me and....

Nope can’t go back to this either...

Laura freezes again and Woody turns to the audience

Do you know who I blame for all this? My nervousness, the way I come across? The big guy. The man upstairs. My creator. Hold on, I got an idea.

Laura continues to freeze. Woody walks off stage and when he comes back on, he’s pulling Amar onto the stage.

I blame you. Ok you’re not my actual creator. Obviously my actual creator is god, if you’re inclined to think that way. In fact it’s actually a very popular belief that the world was created in in in six days and...

Be less awkward Woody

Yeah...I’m I’m sorry. I just get so nervous around an audience and wait! Stop telling me what to do! You created me. Well this version of me anyway

Thank you very much

No, not ’thank you very much’. You’ve created a parody
of me. You don’t know what I’m like in real life!

Shy, nervous and awkward?

Yes...no! No I’m not. I’m erm....surprisingly...erm...


Stop putting words into my mouth! I’m surprisingly...well yes confident

Putting words into your mouth is sort of my job

Well you don’t know me or my voice. What is this based on may I ask? Public perception of me? Like that can be trusted...

Erm two feature length documentaries, various interviews on YouTube and several of your films actually

Ok so...yeah ok then so you’ve done your research and erm....yeah ok

Thing is Wood...can I call you Wood?

I’d prefer Woody. Or Allen. No Woody, I prefer Woody.

See Wood, I think I get your voice. Better than this "chick" anyway

He points to Laura. She’s still frozen.

But that’s only because I get you Woody. I’m like you. I can be shy and nervous and sarcastic and you what?

You blame your mudda for everything too?

No Wood I don’t. Lovely woman if you ask me. No see I can change my voice, how I am, anytime I want. Difference is, i’m happy with the way the world sees me.

Huh...yeah no I’m not like, sorry.

Well....it sucks to be you with your millions of dollars and countless houses and critical acclaim and erm...yeah I’m going to stop now

You know what?! I am happy being me! Screw how people see me. I know my own voice and it’s not just "awl" and

Laura unfreezes

It’s not?! Well why the hell have I just wasted two hours then producing all this work?!! HONESTLY!

Laura throws her papers in the air and storms off stage

Laura! I’m sorry! I can be less...confident and more awkward if you need me to be. Even now I’m worried that me shouting after you will draw unnecessary attention to me and…oh!

Oh Woody! Man up! Honestly, haven’t you learned anything from the last five minutes?!

Amar storms off stage. Woody faces the audience

You know what? You know what?! My one regret in life is…is…is that I am not someone else!

Woody buries his head in his hands at the table and the lights fade down.

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